There was mounting tension that day, a sense of trepidation, exhilaration, respect, and extreme caution.

Michael Eugene Fanning, World Surfing champion takes tentative steps, inching his way ever so slowly, getting closer to one of Africa’s most majestic creatures, a giant Silverback gorilla with his family, in his jungle.

But, before we go to the jungle lets go back to the airport.

Mick Fanning: Airport departure lounge.

Mick Fanning: Airport departure lounge.

MICK FANNING: Departures.

MICK FANNING: Departures.

Mick Fanning: 21 days, he travelled with only a passport, suitcase and surfboard - destination unknown - ‘Missing’.

Mick Fanning: 21 days, he travelled with only a passport, suitcase and surfboard - destination unknown - ‘Missing’.


This leg of the adventure would take us up to ‘Parc Nationale Des Volcans’, a national park in northwestern Rwanda. It’s part of the Virunga Conservation Area that straddles the borders of Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Mick Fanning playing ball with local village kids on the side of the road on our drive from Kigali to the Parc Nationale Des Volcans, Rwanda, Africa.

Mick Fanning playing ball with local village kids on the side of the road on our drive from Kigali to the Parc Nationale Des Volcans, Rwanda, Africa.

Foot ball made of plastic bags tied up with string.

Foot ball made of plastic bags tied up with string.

Mick Fanning: Market & product research.

Mick Fanning: Market & product research.


I was feeling pretty good and fairly comfortable in this scene, as I’d experienced a gorilla encounter on another photographic adventure to a neighbouring country Zaire some ten years earlier.

Our jungle guide.

Our jungle guide.

Meet Mr Silverback, all 200 kilos of muscle, mountain gorilla. He and his family are what we have trekked through the jungle to experience. This massive creature is acutely aware of Micks close presence.

It seemed like time had stood still.

At this point I am high with adrenaline, not in the way you’d image. But rather about the anticipation of what photographic opportunities lay ahead. The sheer excitement about getting ‘the shot’ in such a challenging situation was driving my thoughts.



Navigating the dense jungle undergrowth while dealing with a canopy that created a mosaic of deep shadows and bright light was somewhat of a technical nightmare. All this was going on in my head while working around a family of some sixteen powerful mountain gorillas that demand respect and space.

There was a subtle chaos as I manoeuvred into position to capture any encounter that may occur.


I realised that the image to tell the story, needed both Silverback and Mick in one frame and in as close proximity as possible to each other. This would be no mean feat.

By this time Mick had cautiously edged himself closer and closer, which seemed to take an eternity to me, then squatted and looked down as a gesture of non-threatening behaviour.

I had quietly battled through the undergrowth to get the perfect angle and was now paused, ready and waiting patiently.


Then Mick looks up, for one moment, the Silverback slowly turns in Mick’s direction as if to acknowledge the glance, and there it was ‘a connection’ an unspoken dialogue.

That fleeting moment, a fraction of a second, never to be repeated, one glorious moment etched in Mick’s memory forever.

The Silverback moves on.

Ted’s images are like a kaleidoscope of many of my favourite and most indelible memories and it’s been a privilege to work with him.
— Mick Fanning


Recently Mick called into ‘Small Town Art & Print Lab’ where he personally signed each one of these Collectors Edition print.

There are ONLY 20 signed and numbered prints available of that ‘Defining Moment’ of Mick Fannings close encounter with a gorilla.

To claim your print you’ll need to be quick.