The Surfer and the Mermaid
The Surfer and the Mermaid
The Surfer and the Mermaid Photography BOOK is currently unavailable to order from this website as I’m on a TRAVEL ADVENTURE until further notice.
The Surfer and the Mermaid
Hard Cover
"The Surfer and the Mermaid" is a beautiful children's book about a young surfer entranced by the waves and given entry to the underwater world.
An enchanting narrative journey combine with a powerful environmental message will delight and inspire parents and children alike. The images depict a surreal underwater world where the young surfer is led by a friendly mermaid into the depths to meet her marine friends.
The story tells how the whales are wary and skeptical of the creature (boy surfer) from above, whose kind (humans) have wreaked such havoc on the marine environment. A sudden awakening and burning determination is sparked in the boy, that he and all who ride the waves must do more to protect the oceans which provide our playground.
The lingering message is one of hope, optimisim and a call to action for all lovers of the ocean, to rally in defence of the marine environment.
Photography: Ted Grambeau
Words: Tim Baker + Design: Graeme Murdoch
Surfer: Dave Rastovich + Mermaid: Hannah Fraser
+ Humpback whales